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10 ton rapid impact compactor for sale - HENGDA RIC

Brand:夯神|Read:327Times|Release Date:2022-12-29 10:30:45

10 ton rapid impact compactor effect of the Rapid Impact Compactor is characterized by pulse-shaped loading of the ground and is achieved by a specific number of blows. The ground to be improved is both compacted and displaced depending on the soil type, thus, causing plastic deformations in the near-field while elastic waves are generated in the far-field. The nature of vibration excitation (transient or periodic) is one of the limiting factors for the allowable impact on buildings and human beings and has to be taken into account for the assessment of standardized limit values. 

150kj rapid impact compactor is under construction

10 ton rapid impact compactor utilises a 10 tonne hydraulic piling hammer repeatedly hitting a heavy 1-1.5m diameter steel foot. Recurring blows at each treatment position create imprints, which are subsequently filled with granular material. The pattern is then repeated at offset locations in order to provide treatment depths of around 3m. 

10t rapid impact compactor

One advantage of 10 ton rapid impact compactor is that the drop height and number of blows can be varied based on the soil conditions. Through a test program, we will work with the Geotechnical Engineer of Record (GER) to determine the appropriate improvement criteria and RIC set-up for various areas of the site. For a site with a mixed soil profile and varying thicknesses of sand and clay, the ability to accurately control the amount of energy delivered to the ground is critical as it allows one to improve the loose overlying loose soil without liquefying the fine grained soils below – providing more uniform compaction.

Rapid impact compaction effect display

The 10 ton rapid impact compactor compactor is mounted on a excavator so that moving around the site is easy. The compactor consists of a 7.5-ton weight falling approximately 36 inches onto an anvil in contact with the ground at a rate of approximately 40-90 blows per minute thereby compacting approximately 800 sf of area per hour. Onboard diagnostics equipment allows the compaction effort to be stopped when optimum compaction has been achieved.

rapid impact compaction equipment

Use of 10 ton rapid impact compactor will result in an increase in soil density, stiffness, and angle of internal friction as measured by an increase in SPT N-value, CPT tip resistance or other means of insitu test. The recommended approach is to determine what level of improvement is desired and discuss that required improvement with your technical representative for feasibility. For example, a 2-story commercial light industrial structure is to be constructed on a site underlain by up to 10 ft of existing sandy fill soils. SPT N-values range between 4 and 8 blows per foot (bpf) in the fill. The geotechnical engineer’s correlation between SPT N-Value and soil stiffness for footing settlement analyses indicates that an average N-value in the fill needs be 10 bpf. The geotechnical engineer would perform settlement analyses using the foundation sizes and loading provided by the structural engineer to confirm that the footings will perform acceptably if the fills are improved to 10 bpf. A review of the borings logs indicates that this level of improvement is achievable with 10 ton rapid impact compactor. The geotechnical engineer would then complete his or her report with a recommendation that RIC be used to compact the fills in place and that an N-value of 10 bpf will be required.

7T rapid impact compactor

The principle of the technique which is similar to other compaction / densification techniques is a transmission of energy into a compressible / loose soil layer in order to improve its geotechnical properties.

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Address: Tai'an, Shandong, China

Taian Hengda Machinery Co., Ltd
National government certification:鲁ICP备18050468号-9