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Rapid Impact Compaction equipment - Made in China

Brand:夯神|Read:369Times|Release Date:2022-07-13 14:24:33

Rapid impact compaction equipment is a kind of compaction machine that uses the combined force of machine gravity and variable force to compress soil. The compaction method of soil can be called "dynamic reinforcement method" or "dynamic compaction method", which is operated by the hydraulic and PLC automatic control functions of loader or excavator.

Scope of application

  1. · Compaction of highway and railway subgrade such as abutment back, culvert side and canal;

  2. · Tamping, reinforcement and leakage treatment of embankment slope protection, and tamping the foundation of large infrastructure of oil depots, airports and ports;

  3. · Environmental sanitation waste and hazardous substances are buried and tamped, and military facilities are tamped and reinforced.

  4. · It is especially suitable for narrow construction sites. It is a very powerful construction equipment for infrastructure construction and maintenance departments such as roads, railways, ports, water conservancy, environmental sanitation departments and the army.


rapid impact compaction equipment model


  1. · Convenient transition, flexible and efficient, good handling performance. Installed on the excavator or loader of the equipment, the transfer, construction and other processes are very flexible and the operation is very simple, which greatly improves the construction efficiency and reduces the construction cost.

  2. · Safety and environmental protection, eliminate noise. The hammer body of rapid impact compaction equipment is placed in the skin, which can greatly reduce the accidental injury to people, and play a great role in eliminating noise, thus playing a safe, low-noise and other effects.

  3. · The impact on adjacent structures is far less than that of other compaction methods. During the construction of Rapid Impact Compaction equipment, the force propagation direction is mainly vertical downward, which has little impact on other adjacent structures. It is safe and reliable to construct near the abutment, retaining wall and other structures.

  4. · High speed and efficiency, cost saving. Rapid impact compaction equipment produced by "夯神" has a compaction frequency of 30-80 times per minute, which significantly improves the work efficiency, and the compaction frequency occupies the front row position in the same industry.

  5. · Widely used, suitable for all kinds of fillers. Rapid impact compaction equipment is insensitive to the cost and moisture content of the filler, and has obvious compaction effect.

Rapid impact compaction depth

Rapid impact compaction equipment can obtain a more uniform compactness in a large depth range, and there is no need to use small compaction machines to reinforce the corners. Rapid impact compaction equipment has a large action depth. The experimental data show that the compaction depth is 1~3m, and the influence depth is 4 ~ 10m, which is second only to the dynamic compaction machine.

Construction cases

rapid impact compaction equipment is installed on the excavator for subgrade compaction

rapid impact compaction equipment is installed on the loader for subgrade compaction

Rapid impact compaction equipment is compacting the back of the bridge

HC150 rapid impact compaction equipment in airport construction

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Related Info

Address: Tai'an, Shandong, China

Taian Hengda Machinery Co., Ltd
National government certification:鲁ICP备18050468号-9