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What does it mean to have 95% compaction? - HENGDA RIC

Brand:夯神|Read:326Times|Release Date:2023-02-14 09:27:50

95 percent compaction means that the soil has been compacted to 95 percent of the possible density of the soil through compactive efforts. Maximum dry density, along with optimum moisture content, is determined in the laboratory and provides the target for field compaction.

10t rapid impact compactor

The way in which RIC improves the ground is a “top-down” process, compared to Dynamic Compaction (DC) which is a “bottom-up” process. The first few blows in rapid impact compaction create a dense plug of soil immediately beneath the compaction foot. Further blows advance this plug deeper, which compacts soil in a deeper layer. This process progresses until little further penetration of the compaction foot can be achieved with increasing blows.

Rapid impact compaction effect display

This compaction energy brings the soil particles into a more densely packed structure. The compaction energy is transmitted safely and efficiently as the compaction foot remains in contact with the ground. No flying debris occurs during the compaction process. The hammering of the foot by the impact weight is the reason of the sub-soil compaction. Indeed, the huge amount of energy developed upon the hammering process and transmitted to the ground through the foot, pushes the backfilling material into a denser structure.

rapid impact compaction equipment

The rapid impact compactor as a means of quickly repairing damage runways. It works by imparting dynamic energy through a falling 'drop-weight, which is dropped from a controlled height onto a patented foot. 

With heights of 9 to 12 tones applied to the foot , the 'drop-weights' falls from relatively short height of only 1.2 meters at a rate of 40 to 60 times a minute. 

Effective compaction depths vary with the nature of hte soil compacted, but depth of up to 8m have been reached with a 9t rig.

This results in The Rapid Impact Compactor transferring energy to the ground in a significantly more effective manner as the 'foot' stays in contact with the surface, never actually leaving the ground. It is because of this impacting sequence that we can ensure that the transfer of energy into the ground is carried out in the most efficient way possible.

rapid impact compaction machine

In the urban environment, the RIC technique has a number of specific advantages compared to the conventional drop weight dynamic compaction (DC) technique. These can be summarised as follows:

• The dedicated plant used is relatively small, with moderate mobilisation and operating costs compared with conventional drop weight dynamic compaction. Thus, smaller sites may be economically treated. Rigging and de-rigging times are also quite rapid.

• Treatment can be carried out in closer proximity to existing structures and services vulnerable to vibration damage. There is generally no danger from flying debris.

• Discrete, relatively small foundation areas can be treated without compromising production.

• Energy is more efficiently transferred through the compaction foot which remains in contact with the ground. It is important to recognise that those specifying RIC ground treatment understand the nature of the particular treatment process employed and its potential benefits for the ground conditions being considered. 

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Address: Tai'an, Shandong, China

Taian Hengda Machinery Co., Ltd
National government certification:鲁ICP备18050468号-9