Hengda machinery is mainly engaged in rapid impact compaction,hydraulic pile hammer, hydraulic vibration pile hammer, etc. welcome to consult the manufacturer's price



Rapid impact compactor manufacturer - Taian Hengda Machinery Co., Ltd., China

Brand:夯神|Read:352Times|Release Date:2022-07-13 14:24:45

Taian Hengda Machinery Co., Ltd., China is a manufacturer of rapid impact compactor, It has been 14 years since its establishment in 2008. The company has completely independent research and development capabilities, we are now one of the leading companies in the field of compaction machinery in China.

Qualification certificate

·ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification

·EU CE certification

·Chinese high-tech enterprises

·China specialized special new enterprise


Enterprise introduction

Tai ' an Hengda Machinery Co.,Ltd. is an innovative high-tech Chinese SME. The company's R&D team is led by Mr. Cao Bin an expert who has received subsidies from the State Council,and is an authority in China's machinery industry science and technology and the inventorof China's Rapid impact compactor. Around 80% of the R&D team members pos-sess a bachelor's degree or above, thanks to which the company is able to provide solu-tions in the industry can, and develop products independently withoutany external support. 

Over the past decade since the company was established,we have strictly adhered to thespirit of craftsmanship and have remained committed to overcoming difficulties in geotech-nical engineering,leading to a qualitative leap in construction of roads,transportationinfrastructure,bridges,tunnels,mining,real estate etc., in China. At present,our prod-ucts are widely used in China (including Hong Kong),Southeast Asia,Africa and other regions and countries. In future,we will continue to innovate and offer customers high qual-ity products in the fields of compacting, crushing, mining, piling, and other fields.

Rapid impact compactor manufacturer's picture

Hengda machinery company qualification certificate

Aerial view of Hengda machinery

Rapid impact compactor production workshop

Rapid impact compactor pictures

Rapid impact compactor is installed on the excavator for construction

Rapid impact compactor is displayed on the construction site

Rapid impact compactor is being debugged

Rapid impact compactor construction effect visit

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Address: Tai'an, Shandong, China

Taian Hengda Machinery Co., Ltd
National government certification:鲁ICP备18050468号-9