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How do I know if my soil is compacted enough?

Brand:夯神|Read:315Times|Release Date:2023-01-29 14:34:28

Rapid Impact Compaction (RIC) is a ground improvement technique that densifies shallow, loose and, granular soils. Soil treated by this method results in increased density, friction angle, and overall stiffness, which results in increased bearing capacity and decreased settlement of planned structures. Rapid Impact Compaction consists of an excavator-mounted, hydraulic pile-driving hammer repeatedly striking a circular plate that rests on the ground.  Energy is then transferred to the ground safely and efficiently, as the RIC's foot remains in contact with the ground, which avoids concern over flying debris being ejected. Rapid Impact Compaction densifies loose-fill soils of up to 6 m deep or more. Additional benefits of rapid compaction include: an increase of the bearing capacity of the soils, minimization of settlement, and the creation of uniform support for foundation footing. Rapid Impact Compaction is an innovative solution when compared to the time and cost of over-excavation and re-compaction.

rapid impact compaction equipment

The most common signs of compacted soil are:
  1. Puddling of water in low areas of your lawn.

  2. Water running quickly away from high areas of your lawn.

  3. Trees with shallow roots.

  4. Thin, patchy areas of grass.

  5. Bare dirt areas where not even weeds will grow.

  6. Heavy clay soil.

  7. Soil so hard a shovel can't pierce it.

7t rapid impact compactor

RIC is a high-frequency, controlled energy, soil compaction technique used to densify surface layers of soils (to a depth of 5 to 7 meters in most cases) with minimum impact on the immediate worksite environment. Rapid Impact Compaction is widely used to densify loose granular soils (sand or gravel) as well as loam fill and industrial brownfield sites for surface compaction, foundations and floor slab support, liquefaction mitigation and waste stabilisation.

Experts study the depth of influence of Rapid Impact Compaction

It is possible to compact the ground near an adjacent site with rapid impact compaction. Rapid impact compaction suits to ground improvement in small spaces. As an example, we can apply this technique within or next to existing warehouses. In such cases, we monitor very carefully vibrations in adjacent structures during rapid impact compaction.

7t rapid impact compactor in Xiamen Airport

The RIC technology is the modern approach for compacting existing soils that would otherwise be excavated and compacted using a conventional roller compactor in layers of 15 to 30cm.

Energy is transferred to the underlying loose granular soils rearranging the particles into a denser formation. RIC can effectively densify up to 4-5m of soils without excavation, adding water or dewatering. It can also be used for fill compaction, which can place in bulk fill materials and compact it accordingly without adding any water.

For large infrastructure developments, RIC takes the lead due to its speed of execution that makes it much more cost effective than other alternatives.

10t rapid impact compactor

The energy and deflection of the soil is monitored and recorded at each location, which allows the geotechnical engineer to determine when effective treatment is complete. It also enables the engineer to identify weak zones (red dots) or debris zones throughout the pad so that any remedial actions that may be required can be minimized resulting in cost savings.

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Address: Tai'an, Shandong, China

Taian Hengda Machinery Co., Ltd
National government certification:鲁ICP备18050468号-9