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ls compaction a rapid process?

Brand:夯神|Read:351Times|Release Date:2022-07-13 15:02:54

Compaction is a mechanical process, which is to reduce the air content in the compacted materials, make the compacted materials arranged more closely, and then give full play to the strength of subgrade and pavement structures, reduce the permanent deformation of subgrade and pavement under the action of driving load, and increase the impermeability and strength stability of Subgrade soil and pavement materials.In the compaction construction, we can try to use high-speed hydraulic compactor to compact quickly and effectively.

rapid impact compactor

Therefore, compaction is particularly important for enhancing the service performance of pavement and prolonging the service life of pavement.

Compaction machinery is widely used in the compaction of basic construction projects such as highway subgrade and pavement, railway subgrade, airport runway, embankment and building foundation.

Principle of compaction

Insufficient compaction of subgrade, subbase, base or surface materials may lead to rutting, cracks, subsidence and water damage on the pavement, and may also damage the entire pavement. The task of compaction is to ensure that the subgrade reaches the required compactness in the process of subgrade construction, so that various pavements can be immediately paved on the subgrade, and the paved pavement is high-strength. During the use of subgrade and pavement, harmful deformation will not occur due to further compaction. Compaction of subgrade and pavement with high standards is the most economical and effective technical measure to ensure the strength and stability of subgrade and pavement. In order to speed up highway construction, the compaction of pavement and subgrade is a very effective and economic technical measure to make the pavement and soil foundation achieve due stability and strength.

rapid impact compactor

Compaction is the process of improving the compactness of the compacted material by applying external force. The compaction process of paving materials is to load the compacted materials, overcome the friction and adhesion between solid particles in the loose multiphase materials, discharge the air and water between solid particles, and make each particle displacement and close to each other. The compactness of paving materials increases after compaction.

When the indoor compaction test is carried out on fine-grained soil or various materials, the factors that affect the soil or pavement materials to achieve the specified compactness are: water content, particle composition of soil or materials and compaction work.

We know that when the cohesive soil is compacted, the soil cannot be compacted if it is too dry or too wet, and it can only be compacted within the appropriate moisture content. Under the action of certain compaction function, the moisture content of cohesive soil that can be compacted to the maximum density is called the optimal moisture content, and the corresponding dry bulk density of soil at this time is the maximum dry bulk density. It can be determined by compaction test.


If the moisture content is less than or greater than the optimal moisture content, the compacted materials cannot reach the most dense state. Only under the optimal moisture content, the arrangement of the compacted materials is the most compact. The moisture content of soil or materials plays a great role in the compactness that can be achieved. Of course, the optimum water content and maximum dry density of different soils are also different. This is related to the nature of soil.


The optimum water content and maximum dry density of a certain soil or pavement material change with the change of compaction work. For the same soil or the same graded aggregate, when the compaction work increases, the optimal water content decreases and the maximum dry density increases. This is the same rule when the road roller is used for rolling at the construction site. If we keep the quality of the roller unchanged and increase the quality of the roller; Or increase the quality of the roller and do not change the number of rolling times, you can get the water content density curve with the same property as indoor. When the moisture content of the material is close to the optimal moisture content of the roller, the compaction work required is the smallest. When the specified construction method is used to control compaction, the control of water content is the focus of rolling. In order to ensure satisfactory compaction results, it is extremely important to make the soil compacted under (or close to) the best moisture content.

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Taian Hengda Machinery Co., Ltd
National government certification:鲁ICP备18050468号-9